
1. E. H. The Nizam Charitable Trust

Haveli Man­jli Begum, Shah Ali Banda,Hyderabad‑2

Foun­da­tion for eco­nom­ic and edu­ca­tion­al development

Gives schol­ar­ships for High­er education

1–8‑353 to 355, Begum­pet, Besides HUDA Office, Secun­der­abad – 500 003, A.P., India

Phone Nos. (++91) (40) 27907680 / 27901426 Fax: (++91) (40) 27901239

Web site: E‑mail:

2. Karnataka Zakat and Charitable Trust

Mer­i­to­ri­ous stu­dents hail­ing from poor families

8–2‑293/82/A/387, Road No: 22, Jubilee Hills, Hyder­abad – 500033, A.P, India

3. North South Foundation

The North South Foun­da­tion pro­vides schol­ar­ships to needy chil­dren who dis­play aca­d­e­m­ic excel­lence in India.

The Foun­da­tion has dis­trib­uted more than 2,000 schol­ar­ships to stu­dents who need finan­cial sup­port to pur­sue their quest

for knowl­edge in engi­neer­ing, med­i­cine, poly­tech­nic, sci­ence and oth­er fields. The schol­ar­ship is an annu­al award and

not a one-time payment.

The stu­dent is eli­gi­ble for the schol­ar­ship until grad­u­a­tion as long as the high aca­d­e­m­ic stan­dards are maintained.

Main office in India: Mr Ch Hanu­man­tha Rao, 204 Megha Apts, 2–1‑253 Nal­lakun­ta, Hyder­abad , AP 500 044 Phone: 40–2763-1963 ®

Region­al offices in the fol­low­ing cities: Ahmed­abad, Ban­ga­lore, Bhav­na­gar, Bhubaneswar, Chen­nai, Hyder­abad, Jamshed­pur, Jodhpur,

Kan­pur, Kati­har, Kochi, Kolkata, Madu­rai, Mau, North East States (Assam), Pune, Trivan­drum. Click

 for indi­vid­ual cen­ters contact


Basic Research, Edu­ca­tion And Devel­op­ment (BREAD)

Invites appli­ca­tions for finan­cial aid from the stu­dents who had excelled in pub­lic exams, but could not afford to study further.

Dur­ing the year 2004-05, BREAD will offer schol­ar­ships in sci­ence and tech­nol­o­gy : Engi­neer­ing, Com­put­er Sci­ence, Medicine,

Vet­eri­nary Sci­ence, Agri­cul­ture, Phar­ma­cy, Poly­tech­nics, Math­e­mat­ics and Sciences.

BREAD and North South Foun­da­tion (NSF) have award­ed over 2,000 Schol­ar­ships over the years.

The eli­gi­bil­i­ty cri­te­ria include : a fam­i­ly income of less than Rs,38,000

(Rs.26,000 in rur­al areas) ; top five per cent ranks in Com­mon Entrance Tests (CET) of 85 per cent marks in intermediate

or equiv­a­lent exam­i­na­tion with relax­ation of five per cent to rur­al and girl stu­dents in ranks/percentages ; rank of first attempt preferred;

com­ing from Gov­ern­ment or Gov­ern­ment aid­ed schools only; first year stu­dents in the course of study cho­sen; stu­dents eli­gi­ble for other

schol­ar­ships will not nor­mal­ly be eli­gi­ble for BREAD schol­ar­ships. Short­list­ed can­di­dates will be inter­viewed before the final selection.

The appli­ca­tion form for Andhra Pradesh could be had from Ch. Hanu­man­tha Rao, 204 Megha Apts, 2–1‑253 Nallakunta,

Hyder­abad – 500 044 by send­ing a self-addressed, stamped enve­lope with rank card of CET or mark sheet of inter­me­di­ate or equivalent

exam­i­na­tion this year. The dead­line for fil­ing of appli­ca­tions is July 31.

Sri M. Siva Ram Prasad, BREAD,401, Dia­mond House Adja­cent to Amrutha Hills Pun­jagut­ta, Hyder­abad-500 082

4. GBK Char­i­ta­ble Trust

Scheme: Poor stu­dents study­ing MBBS, BDS, Phar­ma­cy, BE, B. Tech, LLB, BCA, MCA, MBA, MA, M. Com, B. Ed, M. Ed, Ph. D

Eli­gi­bil­i­ty: In the pre­vi­ous sub­jects must have at least 60% marks.

One per­son is eli­gi­ble from family.

How­ev­er for orphans two mem­bers can be apply.

The month­ly income should not exceed by Rs. 4000.

Address: Ghi­a­sud­din babukhan, Chair­man and Man­ag­ing Trustee, GBK Char­i­ta­ble Trust, Begum pet, Hyderabad.


# 16–11-17/B/2/2, Saleem Nagar, Malakpet, Hyder­abad – 500 036.

Phones : 040–24545862,24557708,55106095, Fax: 24542215

1. Muslim Educational Trust
E‑3 Abul Fazl Enclave, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi ‑110025
Criteria: Only students of U.P. , M.P., Rajasthan, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, Orissa, Assam, West Bengal and Western States
Scheme: Loan Scholarship for the professional courses in Medicine, Engineering, Business, Management, M.C.A., B.C.A.
Chartered Accountancy and Cost Accountancy, Repayment of the loan shall be due and will commence after the students has completed
his education and settled or after the expire of one year of completion of ‘education/course, whichever is earlier.

2. A.Q.M Salehuddin and Najmun Nisa Memorial Trust
Offer Merit cum Means Scholarships to needy Assamese Muslim Students for post Higher Secondary Education.
Ajmal Foundation
Scholarships through Ajmal Talent Search Examination (Class III to XII); Apply by September end each year to appear in the exam.
(Assam students only)
Secretary, ATS Examination, College Road, Hojai, Nagaon, Assam – 782435, India,Tel. 03674–254514, Fax: 253199, Mob: 9435062706
Al-Ameen Welfare Society
Zakat scholarships to deserving poor Assamese Muslim students. Deserving post matriculation students already admitted to educational
institutions are eligible. There is no last date for application as these are given as long as the funds last.
Contact: K.Z.N.AHMED, 21 Bagharbari Road, Panjabari, Guwahati-781037,Assam

3. Assam Government Scholarships
Contact: Deputy Secretary, Government of Assam, Education Department (CTM), Kahalipara, Assam
Study programme: Postgraduate study
Applicant profile: Residents of Assam

1. Muslim Educational Trust
E‑3 Abul Fazl Enclave, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi ‑110025
Criteria: Only students of U.P. , M.P., Rajasthan, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, Orissa, Assam, West Bengal and Western States
Scheme: Loan Scholarship for the professional courses in Medicine, Engineering, Business, Management, M.C.A., B.C.A.
Chartered Accountancy and Cost Accountancy, Repayment of the loan shall be due and will commence after the students has completed his
education and settled or after the expire of one year of completion of ‘education/course, whichever is earlier.

2. Asma Foundation (Regd)
Hospital Road
Distt. Madhubani, Bihar 847211
Muslim India Education and Cultural Trust, The
Ehsan House Road 6B, Rajendar Nagar, Patna-800016 OR Mr Syed Shahabuddin, IPS (Retd) Ex MP (Trustee) D‑250 Abul Fazl Enclave,
Jamia Nagar, New Delhi – 110025; Tel: 26326780, Fax: 16327346; Email:
Criteria : Means-cum-Merit
Scheme: Islamic Association of North America Offers means cum Merit Scholarship to Muslim students. Grant-in-aid for higher
and professional
courses, coaching for civil Services and admission to Medical/Engineering Colleges.

1. Hashmi Human Resources Development Society
Qazi Zada, Amroha – 244221 (CHA.) Tel: 05922–262417; Fax: 05922–250207
Email:;; Web:

1. Muslim Educational Trust
E‑3 Abul Fazl Enclave, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi ‑110025
Criteria: Only students of U.P. , M.P., Rajasthan, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, Orissa, Assam, West Bengal and Western States

2. Maulana Azad Education Foundation
Social Justice Service Centre, Mahila Imdad Committee, Opposite New Delhi Railway Reservation Centre, Chelmsford Road,
New Delhi – 110055;
Phone/Fax: 011–23583788, 23583789
Application for Maulana Azad National Scholarship for Girls can be submitted in between 1st July to 30th September every year.
Institute of Objective Studies
P.O. Box No.9725, 162-Joga Bai Extension, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025, INDIA; Phone: 011–26981187, 26987467, 26989253,
Fax: 91–11-26981104,,
Delhi Wakf Board
Near Bachchon Ka Ghar, Daryaganj, Delhi – 110006

3. National Minorities Development & Finance Corporation
1, Taimoor Nagar, Opp D996, New Friends Colony, New Delhi – 110065; Tel: 011–26326051/57/58/59; Fax: 011–26325651;

This Scholarship for Studies at 10+2/SSC upto Doctorate level
Eligibility : H.Sc. level
Address : The Section Officer National Talent Search Unit, N.C.E.R.T., Sri
Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi – 110016
Foundation for Social Care
Director, Scholarship programme: Ziaur-Rahman Siddiqui
185/A Johari Farm, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 110 025. Tel.: (011) 26317311; ;

5. Human Welfare Trust
D‑317, Abul Fazal Enclave, Dawat Nagar, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi – 110025
Indo German Social Service Society
28, Lodhi Road, Institutional Area, New Delhi-110003
Inlaks Scholarships
The Honorary Secretary, Inlaks Foundation, St Stephen’s College, PO Box 2108, New Delhi 110007
Study programme: University study
Applicant profile: Open / Indian citizens.
The award covers: tuition fees; maintenance allowance; other allowances.
Nehru Centenary British Fellowships
Contact: Education Adviser, External Scholarship Division, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi 110001
These scholarships are funded by the British Government.
Study programme: Postgraduate study in all subjects except medicine and allied subjects.
Applicant profile: Indian citizens
The award covers: tuition fees; maintenance allowance; return air travel; some other allowances.
Nehru Trust for Cambridge University
Teen Murti House, New Delhi – 110001
Scholarships for higher studies at Cambridge University
Foundation for Academic Excellence and Access (FAEA)
B‑41, Qutab Institutional Area, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi – 110 016, Phone: 2696 4290, 2696 5211 Fax: 2696 4580,
How to apply: Use form available at
Rotary Educational Foundation
S‑20, Green Park Extn., New Delhi-110016

6. Bhagat Singh Scholarship
Servants of People Society, Lajpat Bhawan, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi-110024
Ta’awun Trust
162, Jogabai Ext., Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi – 110025
Offers educational scholarships
NEW DELHI – 110 008 (INDIA )
Phones : 91–11-25787100, 25747575 Fax : 91–11-25818672
United Mass Media Association
161‑F Joga Bai Extn. Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 110025
Criteria: Needy and meritorious students
Scheme: Few Scholarships of Rs 1000.00 per month to students of Journalism and Mass Communication

7. Universal Knowledge Trust
Scholarships for Muslim students in Certificate, Diploma and PG Diploma Courses only
Chairman: Abdul Rashid Agwan
A‑58/3, Shaheen Bagh, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025, Mob: 9911526380
Student Advisor, USEFI Fulbright Fellowships,
USEFI, 12, Hailey Road, New Delhi – 110001
USEFI – Fulbright Scholarships/Fellowships for higher studies in U.S.A.
(before March/April every year)

8. Dr. Ambedkar Foundation
Scholarship for Overseas Fellowships for Postgraduates, Doctoral, Research
in Law, Economics, Sociology, International Relations
Eligibility : Bachelor/Master Degree in the relevant field
Notification : See employment News
Address : Dr. Ambedkar Foundation, 25, Ashoka Road, New Delhi – 110001

9. Dr. Zakir Hussain Memorial Trust
4, Gulmohar Avenue, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025
Hamdard Educational Society
(For Science At Secondary Level)
Talimabad, Sangam Vihar New Delhi 110062; Tel: (011) 6085063 – 6085064 Email:

10. Hamdard National Foundation (India)
Hamdard Building Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi‑2
It offers scholarships to talented students of professional and technical courses. The academic career upto XII in standard must be excellent.
Application form can be obtained by sending 9” X 4” size envelope with Rs 5/- stamp pre-affixed.
A Mentoring Program by Youth Empowerment Services for Delhi and Aligarh Muslim students
YES Centre, Street 5 (Opp. Children Park’s Gate), Ghaffar Manzil, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025 Ph.:011- 65153554
This Scholarship for Advanced study in foreign language
Amount covers Rs 300 per month
Eligibility : Bachelor’s Degree/Diploma in any classical language
Age – Below 40 years
Notification: Before 31st December
Address: Under Secretary National Scholarship Division (NS‑2 Section),
Department of Education A1/W3, Curzon Road, Barracks, New Delhi – 110001

11. Aamir Mustafa Kidwai Trust
Contact Person: Mrs Aziza Kidwai
B‑28, West End Colony, New Delhi – 110021; Tel. 011–24670009, Mob: 09868679107
Scheme: Financial assistance & scholarships for pursuing higher studies to needy and meritorious persons belonging to
educationally backward minorities.

12. Aga Khan Foundation (UK)
Aga Khan Foundation, Sarojini House, 6 Bhagwandas Road, New Delhi 110001
Scheme: University study in the UK for grad and post grad programmes
Address: Express Building, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,New Delhi – 110002
Scholarship for Photography & Journalism
Amount covers Rs 1,00,000/- each and a Citation
Central Wakf Council
14/173, Jam Nagar House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110011; Tel. 23384465; Fax. 23070881; Email:
Criteria: Father’s Annual income not more than Rs 75000.00 per annum.
Scheme: Scholarship to students of B.E., M.B.B.S, B.D.S, B.Sc., A.M.D.Sc (Alig), M.B.A., M.Sc., L.L.B., Scholarship Rs 6000.00 per annum
Apex Life Scholarship, The
The Coordinator (SCI Deptt.)
APEX Life International, No. 250, First Floor,
Sant Nagar, East of Kailash, New Delhi – 110065
APEX Life Scholarships for the school and college students for higher
studies in India and overseas.
1, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110002; Ph. 23311455, 3317729
Criteria: Needy and meritorious students
Scheme: Mujahid Millat Educational Scholarship to meritorious students seeking admission to Engineering (civil, Elec.,
Electronics, Computer), M.C.A,
Chartered Accountant.
Bharat Seva Trust
12 A, Connaught Place New Delhi-110001; Tel. 23323917 Email:

33/1, Gujarat Today Premises, Shah-e-Alam, Ahmedabad-380 028 (Gujarat)
Tel. : 25320330–25320431 Fax : 91 79 25358060–5326273
E‑mail : ,
World Memon Organisation – India Chapter
Offers educational scholarships
c/o Islamic Study Centre, Ajwa Road, Vadodara – 390019
Gujarat –,
Mobile No: +91 9825272503 (Zuber Gopalani)
+91 9821278532 (Awesh Bhorgamadawala)

2. Zidni Ilma Charitable Trust
C/o Dudhwala Traders,
Opp. M.E.S. High School,
Nagarwada Char Rasta
Vadodara – 390001
Gujarat .

3. Progressive Muslim Education Trust (PMET)
Manubarwala Hostel,
Gulistan Nagar, Juna Jin Road
Rander, Surat, Gujarat
Tel. 0261–2762685
Al-Ikhlas Foundation
Peer Jaleel Masjid, Raikhad, Ahmedabad – 380001
Tel. 079–25328079, 9924374810, 9377886601
Education / Religious / Scholarships / Prizes

1. Muslim Educational Trust
E‑3 Abul Fazl Enclave, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi ‑110025
Criteria: Only students of U.P. , M.P., Rajasthan, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, Orissa, Assam, West Bengal and Western States
Scheme: Loan Scholarship for the professional courses in Medicine, Engineering, Business, Management, M.C.A., B.C.A.
Chartered Accountancy
and Cost Accountancy,
Repayment of the loan shall be due and will commence after the students has completed his education and settled or after the
expire of one year of
completion of ‘education/course, whichever is earlier.

Accordion Content

Rabita Society
Shamsuddin Road, Nawayath Colony, Bhatkal – 581320
Tel. 08385–226001

1. Meher Care Foundation ®
No.52/1, Basappa Road, Shantinagar
Bangalore 560027. Phone: 080‑2222 5625 / 2223 6879

2. Humane Touch ®
1st Cross, 3rd Main, Next to Masjid-e-Subhaniya Building, Padarayanapura,
Bangalore – 560026 Phone : 080‑2675 4141
Karnataka Minorities Development Corporation Limited
Arivu” Educational Loan Implemented by K.M.D.C, Bangalore
For more details visit
Karnataka State Minorities Scholarship Committee
CIGMA Foundation, No 29, 2nd Floor, “SAHARA”, Opp. Vijaya College, Next to Kabab Magic, R.V.Road, Basavanagudi,
Bangalore – 560004. Phone: 080‑4155 4225
Karnataka Wakf Foundation for Women, Bangalore
Wakf Professional Scholarship 2011-12
Karnataka State Minorities Scholarship Committee
CIGMA Foundation, No 29, 2nd Floor, “SAHARA”, Opp. Vijaya College, Next to Kabab Magic, R.V.Road, Basavanagudi,
Bangalore – 560004. Phone: 080‑4155 4225

3.Waqf Women Foundation
No. 530, 5th Floor, M.S. Building, Vidhan Vidhi, Bangalore, Karnataka
Scheme: Scholarships for female Muslim students for medical courses (MBBS, BUMS), Dental engineering and Ded (TCH).

4. Al-Ameen Scholarship Trust ®
Ground Floor, Al-Ameen College Campus,
Near Lalbagh Main Gate, Hosur Road,
Bangalore – 560027. Phone: 080‑2223 5626 Extn. 759

5. All India Talent Identification And Promotion Trust
#7, SRK Garden, Jayanagar (E), Bangalore-41 Tel. 080–56969672, 6646861
Email:; Web:

6. Bazm-e-Niswan Charitable Trust ®
No.37, Muniswamy Road,
Tasker Town, Bangalore – 560051. Phone: 080‑2286 0023 / 2286 5231
Crescent Educational Foundation
B.61 C K Road, Chanpatana, Bangalore Dist.Karnataka, email : ; Tel ++91–80-7251143 / 54443;
Mobile ++91–9844143530; PRO: Mr. Syed Ajmal
Criteria : Students from Muslim community (irrespective of any school of thought) but he/she must be from Chanpatana city only
Scheme: Scholarship to students of professional courses.

7.Danish Educational Trust ®
Only for boys from Bangalore
No. 85, Sheriff House, Richmond Road,
Next to Karnataka State Hajj Committee Office, Bangalore – 560025. 080 – 41121281

8. Talent Promotion Trust ®
Ferozes Estate Agency, No.74, Cunningham Road,
Bangalore – 560052. Phone: 080–40786786 / 98450 63701
Talent Promotion Taawun Trust
3, Palmgrove Road, Victoria Layout, Bangalore-56004
(Only For Students Of Karnataka)
20 Floor, V.V.Towers, Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore 560 001.
Phone:080‑2286 3618. Fax : 080–22863618 Email:
Supported by Infosys, supports all financially weak students securing more than 80% in Xth Std. examinations & to all who would
qualify a written test for further studies Forms are available at: 580, Shubhakar, 44th cross, 1st A main road, Jayanagar, 7th block,

9. Life Science Foundation India Scholarships
(A scientific, charitable, national registered trust)
Morigeri – 583220, Bellary Dist., Karnataka Tel:+91 8397 247003 ; +91 9880420600 E‑Mail:
Indian nationals pursuing studies in frontier areas of any discipline or subject in any Indian universities/colleges institutes.
Candidates should apply in the prescribed application form.

1. Kerala Govt.Scholarships
Merit scholarship ( based on SSLC marks )
Kerala Govt. scholarship ( +2, degree, P.G )
Cultural scholarship

2. Muslim-Nadar girls scholarship
Apply to : Director of Collegiate education, Trivandrum-695 033
Directorate of Collegiate Edn Floor, Vikas Bhavan, Trivandrum – 695 033, Kerala
Cash Awards for School Students, Fellowship Awards for Higher Studies, Interest free loans for Professional Courses.
P.O. Box 2395, 39/2159, Ist Floor,
Ambady Apartments,
Warriam Road, Cochin-682016
Phone:0484 – 2367279, Fax:0484 2370417,

1. Mafatlal Charity Trust (Asia)

Mafatlal House, 27 Veer Nariman Road, Mumbai 400 001

2. Mariwala Trust

411, 4th Floor,Shah & Nahar Industrial Estate,Dr. E Moses Road, Worli Naka, Mumbai – 400018

Phone – 4938307/ Fax – 4974074

Loan scholarships for higher studies outside India


For higher studies abroad – Shri Brihad Bharatiya Samaj, N K Mehta International House, Behind LIC Yogakshema, 178 Backbay

Reclamation, Mumbai-400020.


Executive Director, K.C. Mahindra Education Trust, Cecil Court, 3rd Floor, Next to Regal Cinema, Mahakavi Bhushan Marg,

Mumbai – 400 001.


Educational Aid for the students above & below S.S.C.: It is a one time aid given to financially backward students based on their need.

High Cost Education Loan Scholarship (HCELS): HCELS provides interest free loan scholarships to eligible, financially deserving and

meritorious students, who intend to take admission in the first year of the professional full time course or are already pursuing their studies

in professional full time course

Admn.Office: 4, Sayeed House, 1st floor, 63/65, V. S. Marg, Mahim, Mumbai – 400 016; Tel 91 – 22 – 2445 5365 / 2444 4339 / 2444 8637;

Fax 91 – 22 – 2444 0857; Email


This Scholarship is for Higher Studies outside India

Address : N.M. Wadia Building, 123, M.G. Road, Fort, Bombay – 400001

4. R D Sethna Scholarship Fund

Loan Scholarships for Scientific, Technical, Medical and other Professional courses in India and abroad. 

Address: 29, H Somani Marg, Fort, Mumbai – 400001 Tel : +91 22 2207 7044

Email: Website:


Address : Victory Stall, Apollo Bunder, Bombay – 400001

This Scholarship for Higher Studies Abroad


Merit cum means, Maharashtra Students passing 10th / 12th / CET, desirous of pursuing professional education are provided support.

Family income less than Rs. 2 Lacs p.a. Support both non-refundable and refundable.

Contact: Ms. Uzma Khan of Medley Pharmaceuticals Ltd Medley House, D2, 16th Road, MIDC Area, Andheri (E), Mumbai – 400 093.

Tel. No. 022 30887777 Extn. No. 262 Email: uzma[at]

Dawoodbhoy Fazalbhoy Muslim Educational Trust

42, Ibrahim Md. Merchant Road, Dhadah Khadak, Mumbai 400 029, Email:

Aga Khan Education Service, India

Aga Khan Education Service, India

C/o Diamond Jubilee High School for Boys

Aga Hall Compound


Mumbai 400010

Tel: (22) 23731811 / 23731701 / 23731852

Fax: (22) 23731488


American Alumni Association

Vulcan Insurance Building, 1st Floor

Veer Nariman Road

Church Gate

Mumbai 400 020 , Tel: (022) 2282 1413, 2282 1485

7. J N Tata Endowment Loan Scholarships

Scholarships are for higher studies abroad in all disciplines for graduates with a consistently good academic record.

Form on payment of Rs 100 by cash or by money order from the administrative office of the Endowment at Mulla House, 51

M G Road, Mumbai-40000


Lady Tata Memorial Trust Scientific Research Scholarships

For scientific investigations having bearing directly or indirectly on the alleviation of human suffering from disease.

There are post-doctoral fellowship,

senior scholarships and junior scholarships. Scholars with first class academics and related research experience may

apply by post to the Secretary and chief accountant, Lady Tata Memorial Trust, Bombay House, Homi Mody Street, Mumbai-400001

for information sheet and application form.

Ummul Qura

Coaching for Chartered Accountancy aspirants

C/o EJAZ AND COMPANY, 39, M.G. Road, Near Bata Show Room, Camp, Pune-411001 Maharashtra. Phone No. / Fax No. : 020–26332157


Mobile No. 09890003304 Email:

1. Muslim Educational Trust
E‑3 Abul Fazl Enclave, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi ‑110025
Criteria: Only students of U.P. , M.P., Rajasthan, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, Orissa, Assam, West Bengal and Western States
Scheme: Loan Scholarship for the professional courses in Medicine, Engineering, Business, Management, M.C.A., B.C.A.
Chartered Accountancy and Cost Accountancy, Repayment of the loan shall be due and will commence after the students has
completed his education and settled or after the expire of one year of completion of ‘education/course, whichever is earlier.

1. Muslim Educational Trust
E‑3 Abul Fazl Enclave, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi ‑110025
Criteria: Only students of U.P. , M.P., Rajasthan, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, Orissa, Assam, West Bengal and Western States
Scheme: Loan Scholarship for the professional courses in Medicine, Engineering, Business, Management, M.C.A., B.C.A.
Chartered Accountancy and Cost Accountancy, Repayment of the loan shall be due and will commence after the students has
completed his education and settled or after the expire of one year of completion of ‘education/course, whichever is earlier.

1. Muslim Educational Trust

E‑3 Abul Fazl Enclave, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi ‑110025

Criteria: Only students of U.P. , M.P., Rajasthan, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, Orissa, Assam, West Bengal and Western States

Scheme: Loan Scholarship for the professional courses in Medicine, Engineering, Business, Management, M.C.A., B.C.A.

Chartered Accountancy and Cost Accountancy, Repayment of the loan shall be due and will commence after the students has

completed his education and settled or after the expire of one year of completion of ‘education/course, whichever is earlier.

1. Naja Educational Social and Charitable Trust (NEST)
#32, Jeelani Street, Alandur, Chennai – 600 016 najatrust[@] / trustnaja[@] Tel.: 9840444932 / 9840833210
President, Indian Fishermen Charity, 17, Wellington Estate, 24, Ethiraj
Salai, Chennai (Tamil Nadu) – 600105
Interest Free Loan & Guidance for School & College students for studies in
abroad with visa.

2. AMM Arunachalam-Lakshmi Achi Scholarship
AMM Foundation, Parry House, Third Floor, 43 Moore Street, Chennai 600001.
The Children Foundation
Students studying from the V to the XII standard
Post Box No ‑5007, Chennai – 600090 Tamil Nadu
Activities mainly in the state of Kerala
Provide scholarship for academically excellent student who lack the financial freedom in choosing and building their career
BSA Zakaat Foundation Scholarship in Tamilnadu
Buhari Building
# 4, Moores Road, Chennai-600 006
Fax: +91–44-28231950

Muslim Association for the Advancement of Science, The
Darul Fikr 44, Ahmad Nagar , Dodhpur Aligharh-202002; Tel 0571 2701209

1. Muslim Social uplift Society
Sultan Jahan Manzil, Shamshad market, Aligarh- 202 002 U.P.
The organisation offer scholarship to students of A.M.U. Alumni organisations

2. Aaghaz Educational Foundation
Scholarship Forms for both Post Matric and Pre Matric school going children
4th Floor, Bank of India Bldg, (next to Ram Asrey Sweet Shop), Shahnajaf Road, Lucknow – 226001;
Tel: 9335902671, 9415020212

3. Al-Ameen Charitable fund Trust Super tannery (I) Ltd.
Jajmau Road, Jajmau, Kanpur – 208 010 (U.P.)
Scheme: Post Metric Scholarship for higher education

4. Babu Rafiullah Khan Educational & Charitable Trust
19‑B, Sarojini Naidu Marg, Allahabad-211001 Uttar Pradesh Phones: 2623423, 2622655
Gives admission 200 girls in Hamidia Girls Inter College, Allahabad and 300 children in Bibi Noor Jahan Begum Jr. High School,
Ahmadpura, Shahjahanpur.
U.P. Minorities Financial and Development Corporation Ltd.
746, 7th Floor, Jawahar Bhawan, Lucknow 226001 Or District Minorities Welfare
Officer of the concerned, District
Scheme: Interest Free Loan for talented and needy students of minorities seeking admission to Medical, Technical and
Professional courses such as Management, Tourism etc.

5. Sir Syed Scholarship Trust (Regd.)
Samreena Lodge, Muzammil Manzil, ADM Compound Road
Aligarh, U.P. 202002; Phone 0571–2706418
Persons to contact: Prof. Ziaul Hasan or Mr. Usman Ansari

6. Muslim Educational Trust
E‑3 Abul Fazl Enclave, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi ‑110025
Criteria: Only students of U.P. , M.P., Rajasthan, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, Orissa, Assam, West Bengal and Western States
Scheme: Loan Scholarships for the professional courses in Medicine, Engineering, Business, Management, M.C.A., B.C.A.
Chartered Accountancy and Cost Accountancy, Repayment of the loan shall be due and will commence after the students has
completed his education and settled or after the expire of one year of completion of ‘education/course, whichever is earlier.

1. Muslim Educational Trust Scholarships
E‑3 Abul Fazl Enclave, Jamia Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi ‑110025
Criteria: Only students of U.P. , M.P., Rajasthan, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, Orissa, Assam, West Bengal and Western States
Scheme: Loan Scholarship for the professional courses in Medicine, Engineering, Business, Management, M.C.A., B.C.A.
Chartered Accountancy and Cost Accountancy, Repayment of the loan shall be due and will commence after the students has
completed his education and settled or after the expire of one year of completion of ‘education/course, whichever is earlier.

2. Debesh-Kamal Scholarships
Indian students who wish to pursue higher studies or research abroad. The scholarship is for a maximum period of 1 year and
the amount is approximately rupees 1 lakh.
Eligibility: Not be more than 30 years of age and should have a good academic record with a first class graduate degree.
They should also have been offered a place in a university program before they apply for the scholarship.
Application: For application forms apply to:
The Secretary, Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture,
Gol Park, Kolkata – 700 029 West Bengal
Phone: 033 2464 1303, 2466 1235; Email :

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