Contract Staffing Services

1.Recruitment services
2.Staffing services
4.Reducing your recurring cost
3.Payroll Management
5.Flexible contract

Contract Staffing


White Collar Jobs

We help the organisations in recruiting highly skilled and formally trained white collar candidates with a customised, end to end hiring solutions, we help source, filter, and recruit a suitable candidate.
We help organisations to hire permanent, contractual and temporary candidates for various industries Our team work to identify immediate and longer term staffing needs.   Know More

Blue Collar Jobs

We help in hiring blue-collar candidates for various industries such as construction, security, manufacturing, etc. We ensure that the employee is well equipped with the necessary skills and training to perform the job. To meet the blue collar manpower needs of industries and businesses, we have built a solid database of skilled and unskilled labour such as drivers, peons, office boys, housekeepers, technicians, machine operators, and so on.
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Our Main Features

Career Counselling Guidance

We take initiative/effort to under­stand the can­di­dates need & wants, and coun­cil them so that they meet the com­pa­nies tar­gets and achieve­ment s and also com­pa­ny may get the reward or ben­e­fits from candidates.

Vast Database

Due to hav­ing vast data­base of job­seek­ers on our plat­form we pro­vide quick solu­tion as per the requirement.

Quick Turn Around Time

Rich & Huge data­base across all indus­tries for both employ­er as well as employee.

Compititative Rates

Our Con­sul­tan­cy aim to pro­vide high qual­i­ty and in-depth ser­vices to our clients at right com­pet­i­tive mar­ket rates. achieve­ment s and also com­pa­ny may get the reward or ben­e­fits from candidates

Employer Management

We take the bur­den of screen­ing & short­list­ing for the giv­en posi­tion onbe­half of you.

Result Oriented

We deliv­er our best ser­vices in a effec­tive way which may reduce the time and leads to the best pos­si­ble outcome

Values You Get

We can recruit staff on your behalf based on your needs and deploy them in your organization. We depely understand your hiring needs and find you the right talent for the job requirements but most importantly, our team works day in and day out to meet your hiring needs. Our main goal is to find you top-tier talent whose dream job is to work for your organization. We screen and send you the relevant candidates who matches your job descriptions and other skills which will make your hiring process easier.

Man­pow­er & staffing ser­vices is pro­vid­ed on per­ma­nent and tem­po­rary basis for blue & white col­lar staff. we cater to man­pow­er require­ments across indus­try our asso­ciate employ­ees range from dri­vers, deliv­ery boys, electrician, housekeeping and so on.


Every company has to comply with labour laws which is time consuming and cumbersome process, staffing services from edge on service can reduce your burden of compliance like PF, ESIC, PT, pay roll processing etc.We have dedicated team for handling the compliances.In contract staffing services you can upscale and downscale the manpower strength based on your business cycle without being worried of statutory compliances.

Third party payroll management : we can also take your existing manpower on our payroll & manage the payroll processing and all the statutory compliance on your behalf.

Being in the business for over a decade we have managed to collect ample of candidates data, Having a vast database helps us to provide our clients with quick turnaround time.

Our team filters the candidates data who are active or inactive so that we only have the fresh and relevent data with us.

Industries We Serve

Information Technology
Banking & Insurance
Manufacturing & Retail
Sales & Marketing
Education and Training
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